Course curriculum

    1. 01 Welcome and Intro

    2. [U] Markers in Descript (Underlord)

    3. [U] Insert B-Roll and Muting Audio in Descript (Underlord)

    4. [U] Transitions set for all the scenes in Descript (Underlord)

    5. [U] Copying Clips Between Descript Projects (Underlord)

    6. [U] Audio Levels and Export Settings in Descript (Underlord)

    7. [U] Troubleshooting Open Graph Tags in Descript (Underlord)

    8. [U] Moving Sections in Descript (Underlord)

    9. [U] Equalizing Audio Levels in Auphonic or Descript (Underlord)

    10. [U] Quick Look at Descript's New Rooms Feature (Underlord)

    11. [U] Separating Speaker Audio from Single Track in Descript (Underlord)

    12. 12 Comparing Studio Sound and Auphonic for Audio Quality

    13. 13 Optimizing Video Playback and Updates in Descript

    14. 14 Say Yes to a New Version of Descript

    15. 15 Riverside to Descript

    16. 16 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    1. 01 Cutting and Editing Music Segments in Descript

    2. 02 Editing Crosstalk in Video Podcasts

    3. 03 Exporting Markers as Individual Files

    4. 04 Adding Progress Bars in Descript

    5. 05 New Features in Camtasia 2024

    6. 06 Color Labeling Clips in Camtasia

    7. 07 Alternative Programs I Use

    8. 08 Timeline and Video is Split in Camtasia

    9. 09 Canvas Detached in Camtasia

    1. 01 Always Open Projects in Desktop App in Descript

    2. 02 How to Import YouTube Videos into Descript

    3. 03 Using iPhone as Webcam on PC

    4. 04 Advantages of Descript Desktop App

    5. 05 Descript Rooms Audio Recording Delays

    6. 06 Hands-On Translation Demo

About this course

  • $9.99
  • 31 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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Cristi Cotovan

Cristi is a passionate video editor, graphic designer and developer. He loves training others on video editing, podcasting, identity design and has a knack for explaining workflows and processes.