Course curriculum

    1. [U] New Animation Features in Descript (Underlord)

    2. [U] New Ken Burns Effect in Descript (Underlord)

    3. 03 AI Speakers and Improved Text-to-Speech

    4. 04 Corner Rounding and Customization in Descript

    5. 05 Multicam Automated Speaker Switching with Single Video

    6. 06 Side-by-Side Presentation and Video

    1. 01 Adjusting Volume for a Segment in Descript

    2. 02 Volume Keyframes and Transitions, Ducking

    3. 03 Transcribing YouTube Videos in Descript

    4. 04 Zoom Recording and Editing

    5. 05 Camtasia Exporting by Markers

    6. 06 Camtasia Proxies

About this course

  • $9.99
  • 12 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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Cristi Cotovan

Cristi is a passionate video editor, graphic designer and developer. He loves training others on video editing, podcasting, identity design and has a knack for explaining workflows and processes.